What our customers are saying about our products and customer service.

A few testimonials:

"Thanks for a great product. QbFuse has saved me days of work integrating my inventory application with QuickBooks. It would take weeks just to write all the functions and procedures that are available in QuickBooks. I looked at other products but yours is the best one for a Clarion programmer. The support has been first class also."
Rick D. Williams
PxTech, Inc.

"I'm really enjoying the power it (xmlFUSE) is adding to our systems, such as having an all-knowing import method that can be used by anything from a web server to another vendor's app...I can provide class-quality access to our app's database/business rules, without giving someone our code, without them making api calls to our product, without resorting to manual importation of CSV files and all the problems that they cause, and I can do it for any app, any web server, and any OS platform - and I dont have to write a line of code to parse raw data. Invaluable."
Mark Riffey
Granite Bear Development

"I wouldn't think twice about buying XMLFuse. To put it concisely - it is excellent, and their support is at least as good as their product."
Benjamin Krajmalnik
The Illumen Group, Inc.

"I am very satisfied both with the product and the support is outstanding. I think you must work 23 hours a day!"
Doug Peters


Featured Products

xmlFUSE - Microsoft XML/SOAP
automation for Clarion

$249.00 USD - Click Here to Buy

qbFUSE - Quickbooks
Automation for Clarion

$199.00 USD - Click Here to Buy


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